Monday, January 27, 2020
The Importance Of Market Segmentation
The Importance Of Market Segmentation Market segmentation is one of the most important concept in marketing and business (Bowen, 1998). It is believed that segmentation is the most powerful tool to develop strategies and to understand market (Richard and Sundaram, 1994). Segmentation that carried out properly will actually boost up sales and profits (Reid, 1983). However in contrary, the industry players which in this case restaurant seems to believe that by segmenting their market will actually narrow down their business, they tend to believe that price is the most effective tool to attract and win the market (Crawdford-Welch, 1994). Finally, looking to the reasons of the pro and contra, the researcher decided to segmenting the market further which are by psychographic or the lifestyle and behaviouristic or the purchase occasion. It is because the researcher believed that by segmenting the market may lead to understand the market deeper and therefore can come out with right strategies. To this end, the following section will reviews the literature on market segmentation which focus on Generation Y, psychographic and behaviouristic, next will also review about the factors influencing Generation Y in choosing restaurant and last but not least type of consumers by psychographic segmentation. 2.2 The importance of market segmentation Market segmentation does exist because it is believed that market is not similar (Beane and Ennis, 2007) and it is very important as this is a marketing strategy that contributes to business or industry players (Bowen, 1998).Segmentation can actually act as a key to enhance sales and profits while it can help to maximize the usage of facilities by the specific target market, besides that, it as well help to penetrate new market segment and to maintain repeater (Reid, 1983). Besides that, it is as well open up new chances to create new product and advertising strategy (Beane and Ennis, 2007). Kotler (1980) believed that in order for segmentation to be useful and effective, it must be measurable, accessible and substantiable. Kotler (1980, pp.308) mentioned that a segment should be the largest possible homogeneous group of buyers that it pays to go after with a specially designed marketing program. Segment is opportunity (Beane and Ennis, 2007). For instance, senior customers take qual ity of food as their first concern (Knutson and Patton, 1993). While for young customers, food quality is not the most important factor in choosing restaurant (Soriano, 2002). These show that different generation has different demand and need, therefore it is necessary for industry players to understand clearly the characteristics and the trends of each generation. However, industry players in this case restaurants seem to believe that by focusing on one market, it is not effective as it may reduce the sales volume. Most of the industries players emphasize on price while they believe it may attract and retain customers but at last it actually drive to less profit (Crawford-Welch, 1994). It is not a false to target more than a market segment, however, different segment has different characteristic, and hence it is unnecessary to have all discount or price reduction while it is not the most important thing for some market segment. On the other hand, a theory of restaurant revenue mana gement believed that it is important to maximize revenue by keeping the balance of demand and supply but without putting aside customer satisfaction (Kimes, 2004). 2.2.1 Four major markets segmentation Kotler divided market into four main areas which are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behaviouristic. Geographic segmentation is the simplest segmentation. It is to differentiate customers by region, climate and population density. Demographic segmentation in the other hand is the most common segmentation. This is perhaps because demographic segmentation provides the easiest information and allows it to be transferred from one study to another study (Beane and Ennis, 2007). The segmentation divided by age, sex, income, education level, type of family, nationality and race (Beane and Ennis, 2007). Psychographic segmentation or known as lifestyle segmentation is a complicated segmentation as it demands way of life and social class. According to Plummer (1974) psychographic segmentation gives better answer in describing segments compare to demographic segmentation. Last but not least is behaviouristic segmentation, it consists of purchase occasion, benefits sought, user status , degree of usage, degree of loyalty, readiness stage, and marketing factor sensitivity (Kotler, 1980). In this study, the researcher will go through demographic segmentation which is focusing on Generation Y and psychographic segmentation which will divide Generation Y according to their specific character and last behaviouristic which will look into the occasion they have for dine in restaurant. Demographic segmentation Kivela (1997) studied about types of restaurants and he found that factors such as dining occasion, age and income are the main variables that contribute to decision in choosing fine dining, theme, family or fast food restaurant. Apart, it is believed that segmentation especially demographic segmentation plays significant role to help the industry players as Shank and Nahhas (1994) found that in family dining restaurant, older and younger consumers have different preferences. One is more loyal than other and they as well have different habits. Similary, a study conducted by Becker-Suttle, Weaver and Crawford-Welch (1994) found that in term of menu variety and food portion in a full-service restaurant, senior citizen has different expectation with the non-senior one. However, in contrary, Oh and Jeong(1996) believed that demographic variables are not enough to understand specific expectation. Similarly, Swinyard (1977) as well mentioned that demographic variables are the lowest betwee n segmentations. These reasons drive the researcher to believe that it is important to segment market by demographic segmentation but it has to be narrowed down. Therefore, the researcher will go to more specific segmentation which is not only Generation Y in general but specific them by the psychographic as well as behaviouristic segmentation. Psychographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation is help in developing consumers profiles from psychology side based on lifestyles. (Hsu, Kang and Wolfe, 2002). It involves the evaluation of interest, activities and opinions. (Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 1998). Furthermore, psychographic segmentation is used in order to identify deeper consumers psychology and to understand consumers way of living. (Schewe and Calantone, 1978). For instance, Woodside and Pitts (1976) found that psychographic which include lifestyle variables are more useful and accurate than demographic. Same opinion mentioned by Abbey (1979) who found that lifestyle variables are more reliable and applicable rather than demographic. Moreover, Weaver et al. (1994) said that if psychographic research is carried out properly, it will have a great impact on promotional effort. Proper audience and media will be targeted by looking on their psychographic needs. Zins (1998) as well believed that psychographics segmentation is increasing because i t will explain in various ways than demographic segmentation. Based on the Swinyard and Struman (1986), there are three customer segments in restaurant industry which are family diners, romantics and entertainers. While Oh and Jeong (1996) stated that there are four different segments which are classic diners, convenience seekers, service seekers and indifferent diners. On the other hand, Bahn and Granzin (1985) found that there are health, gourmet, value and unconcerned segments that exist. The researchers stated that for those health concerned segments, absolutely they will not choose fast food restaurant as their main dining destination. Using cluster analysis, Yuksel and Yuksel (2002) divided market into five which are value seekers, service seekers, adventurous food-seekers, atmosphere seekers and healthy-food seekers. The researchers conducted the study because they believed that demographic variables like age, gender and income are not enough to understand market expecations (Oh and Jeong, 1996). Crawford-Welch (1991, pp.301) criticized segmenting by demographic and noted decriptive data, by their very nature, are of little analytical worth in that they are not capable of implying causality and are, in turn, poor predictors of behaviour. Demographic has low power of describing market (Swinyard, 1977). Looking for these reasons, the researcher of this study decided to not only look for Generation Y but also narrowing the market to psychographic segmentation and behavioristic segmentation like what Yuksel and Yuksel (2002) had done in their study. Behaviouristic segmentation To be more effective, previous researchers used consumers buying behaviour as one of the segmentation variables (Oh and Jeong, 1996). Some believed that behaviour are better determinants in order to understand the market segments (Loker and Purdue, 1992). It has been mentioned that in order to predict behaviour, benefits has to be offered rather than looking only to the lifestyle, personality, age, gender or nationality. In restaurant cases, services act as attributes that can be called benefits (Bahn and Granzin, 1985). On the other hand, Boulding et al. (1993) mentioned about links between behaviour and service quality, customers help in word of mouth advertising. Customers do will to recommend one establisment if they get better service (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, 1994). However, service is not the only thing that sell by one establishment. Therefore, to understand better customers is a necessary. 2.3 Generation Y Generation Y is people who born between 1974 and 1994 (Neuborne and Kerwin, 1999 in Hanzaee and Aghasibeig, 2010) and they are children of Baby Boomers or Generation X (Herbig, Koehler and Day, 1993). Adults Generation Y are married, but younger one are still students. Industry players are now focusing on Generation Y as their biggest target market because this generation are large in size and they have potential spending power (Wolburg and Pokrywczynski, 2001) and therefore they are trying to meet up the expectation of this people. Moreover, the reason why it is important to know deeply the expectation of Generation Y is because Generation Y is not easily influence by marketing therefore it needs more effort to target this generation (Bush, Martin and Bush, 2004). It is obvious that age is a factor that makes different generation act differently however it is not the only factor. Teenagers nowadays are different compare to previous teenagers. Commonly, they have less financial commitments. They spend 70% of their income for food, travel and entertainment. They love to go for party, movie and listen to radio (Mark McCrindle, xxxx). He as well believed that people act different according to the age. However, he believed that it is the only reason as he mentioned that experiences play in the part. For instance, Generation X era was where AIDS, single parents, personal computer and multiculturalism took part, while Generation Y have internet, globalisation and environmentalism issues. {{Read : BB understanding gen Y}} Generation Y is optimistic, energetic, technology driven, pragmatic, resilient, with high social awareness and open to and eager for new experiences (Coyeman, 1998, p.40). However, this group will be de-motivated if they are insulted especially regarding their intelligence, over-promised and over exposed (Coyeman, 1998). On the other hand, based on generational theory, different generations bring different values, beliefs, interests and expectations (Benckerdorff et al, 2010) and thus different strategy has to be used. Fields et al (2008) believed that Generation Y is more focused on brands, fun, friends and digital. Generation Y was born and raised during brands period, therefore they are used to it and have different respond compare to other generations (Merrill, 1999). They are relaxed, confident, educated but impatient and self-focused. They are multitasked that greatly influence by friends and mates. Mark McCrindle (xxxx) also mentioned that Baby Boomers rely on data and facts i n making decision while Generation Y rely more on peers. Generation Y live in community and therefore they rather make decision in group than individual. {{Read : BB understanding gen Y}} Previous studies also mentioned that Generation Y are much more needy compare to other generations (Randall.S.H, 2010) and it is because Generation Y has been socialized into consuming earlier (TRU, 1999 in Bakewell and Mitchell, 2003). Furthermore, The purchasing power of adolescents in the market cannot be underestimated. Being customers of their own, adolescents have experienced how to react when services provided were not satisfactory. (Hsu and Chiu, 2008, p.244). These prove that Generation Y are unique and they have different demand and expectation with previous generation, thus to study deeper of what needed by Generation Y is important to help in improving business. 2.4 Generation Y and dining Generation Y spend more because of unusual purchasing power (Phelps, 1999) and they have more disposable income compare to previous generation (Tomkins, 1999 in Bakewell and Mitchell, 2003). They spend their income for entertainment, travel and food (McCrindle, 2002 in Hanzaee and Aghasibeig, 2010). This supported by a survey that conducted by the National Restaurant Association found that most of Generation Ys income is spent for outside food and restaurants (Brook, 2005). Another study by Auty (1992) also found that students who are in the group of Generation Y eat out for social occasions, do not really concern about others recommendation and money. These facts build curiosity of the researcher and therefore the researcher decided to conduct the study in order to find out the factors that considered by Generation Y while choosing restaurant for birthday celebration, hence, industry players especially restaurants may know what exactly to do and what promotional tools to develop. In fact, technology changes play important role in causing Generation Y become more materialistic compare to previous generation. (Bakewell and Mitchell, 2003), this may means Generation Y want technology while they are eating. Hence, it is believed that marketers are being challenged by this young generation because they keep seeking and exploring a new dining places and experience (Wishna, 2000). 2.5. Factors influencing restaurant selection criteria Consumers choose a restaurant based on several factors and knowing what factors that may drive the success of the company is very important in order to plan future strategy of the company (Geller, 1985). 2.5.1 Menu variety and choices Food variety involves various different items in menu. Industry players keep developing menu in order to attract consumers because it had been found that menu variety is one of a crucial factors in creating good dining experience (Kivela et al, 1999). Some concern about healthy menu option and it actually gives great impact in customer perception of dining experience (Johns and Tyas, 1996). Supported by Kivela et al (1999) who mentioned that healthy food is one of the important factors in dining satisfaction. On the other hand, Auty (1992) mentioned that food type and food quality are the most important factors that determine the restaurant choice but when it comes to dining out for celebration or social night, atmosphere is the most important factors. Supported by Lewis (1981) who found that food quality, menu variety, price, atmosphere and convenience are the most important factors. To discuss deeply about menu, West and Olsen (1990) said that menu innovation is very important in o rder to stay competitive and the researchers also said that to maintain reputation and efficiency of operation are the important factors. HA1 : Menu variety and choices have positive relation with restaurant selection criteria 2.5.2 Value for money Marketing tools such as sales promotion including discounts and special offers act as tools that motivate consumers (Mill, 2007). This researcher as well believed that when consumers perceived the value got less than the price given, they will not be satisfied. Some of them that price to assume the quality of the restaurant (Muller and Woods, 1994). File : from mei Different literature has different opinion, according to GeorgeCurasi, Bellenger and Danny (2003) discount are major factors that influence restaurant selection. Apart, another study by Mohsin, Mclnthos and Cave (2005) mentioned that general customers choose a restaurant in New Zealand due to value for money, offer variety and quality of food, own skilled and mannered staff and has well timed service. This study was conducted for general customers not Generation Y and this show a contrast with other studies that mentioned money is not the most important factor. HA2 : Value for money has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria 2.5.3 Ambience Physical environment such as ambience, decoration and atmosphere have a great influence on the dining experience (Sloan, 2004) and behavioural intentions (Ryu and Jang, 2007). Ambience or known as atmosphere is an element that plays an important role to customers. It involves design, space and layout, textures and patterns and building style (Collins, 2010). Mehrabian Russell (1974) believed that environment affect feelings that can cause one to stay longer even remain. Lighting and music influence customers senses (Baker Cameron, 1996). Music is frequently used nowadays whether it is in restaurant or shopping center, Smith Curnow (1966) found that shop with loud music indirectly chase customers. This study also has been study deeper by Milliman (1986), the researcher found that they are music volume and tempo that affect time and money spent by consumers. Furthermore, Zopiatis and Pribic (2007) who did their study among students in Cyprus as well mentioned that atmosphere as one of most influencing concern. Supported by Jang Namkung (2009) who found three main factors and one of them is atmosphere of the dining place itself. Obviousily, the design of the dining place itself is very important to generate sales of restaurant. To support this, there was a study which found that design in a store has a significant effect on customer it influence the decision of customer to approach, explore even purchase (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974). Even if the customers perceive the environment as a pleasure, customer will spend more time and money for it (Donovan et al, 1994). Hence, it is obvious that design of ambience plays a very significant role in affecting customers choices. HA3 : Ambience has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria 2.5.4 Peers Decision makers tend to decide something with regard to consequences of their choices in future, however the future is uncertainty, hence it can be concluded that the decision is a process (March, 1997 in Maitlis and Ozcelik, 2004). Furthermore, during the decision process, one decision is closely related to others decision (Dewey and Bentley, 1949 in Langley, A et al., 1995). To relate to this study, in celebrating birthday, friends and parents may as well play role in deciding the venue, thus, ones decision is made by interference of others. This supported by the finding of GeorgeCurasi, Bellenger and Danny (2003) who found that recommendation from peers are one of the factors that lead customers in choosing restaurant. Although in contrary, Auty (1992) found that young generation does not really concern about others recommendation, but it is still a possibility that one individuals decision is built from others interference. Furthermore, a recommendation from a friend influences significantly in decision to choose a restaurant (Sweeney et al., 1992). Mill (2007) believed that because recommendation from friends is not profitable and it different from advertising thus consumers will believe more and make decision in choosing the restaurant. According to Devine et al., (2003), social influences bring great impact to food choice, because they believed it shows attitude and habits. Apart, consumers heard the dining experience from friends and it help them to judge one restaurant better (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003). Bailey and Tian (2002) did their study at Indian restaurant and they found that recommendations from friends greatly influence the decision. HA4 : Peers has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria 2.5.5 Service quality Tucci and Talaga (2000) mentioned that service quality affect the customers most in choosing restaurant. Service quality includes staff and physical environment. Human resources are the main key to success. (Enz, 2004). Therefore to have good staff is to start with success. As what had been mentioned by Jang and Namkung (2009) one of the main factors is service quality, which in restaurant case means staff and their services. A staff attitude may harass ones sattisfaction (Oliver, 1981). However, in contary, Clark and Wood (1999) mentioned that tangible factors like food influence more than intangible factors such as friendliness of staff. But that study against by study of GeorgeCurasi, Bellenger and Danny (2003) who found that customers want personalized service which indirectly means they want good staff. In Cyprus, a study has been conducted by Zopiatis and Pribic (2007), the researchers also mentioned that staffs attitude and professionalism are the main factors that influence t he student criteria in choosing dining place. During the time period of the study conducted, students are the Generation Y, therefore those factors are being consider. Moreover, length of waiting time on restaurant service is one factor that concern by customers too (Richarme Colias, 2007) because service time is a very sensitive issue for customers (Christopher, 1999). This supported by Jang Namkung (2009) who found service quality as attribute that influence customers in choosing restaurants. And more, GeorgeCurasi, Bellenger and Danny (2003) did mention about fast check-out as one of the factors that influencing the most. HA5: Service has a postive relation with restaurant selection criteria 2.5.6 Food quality Food is the fundemental of restaurant. There should be no doubt that food is one of the major factor that give impact on restaurant. Food should be fresh and tasty in order to maintain the quality and this is one of the factor that plays role in succeed of a restaurant. (Namkung and Jang, 2007). Even some studies had already focused on the food presentation, variety, healthy, taste, freshness and temperature. Kivela et al., (1999) focused on taste and they took it as the attribute in dining experience. It is believed that taste of food is very essential to customers (Cortese, 2003) and it gives impact to future behaviour (Kivela et al., 1999). Fu and Parks (2001) examined quality of food as one of the factors in choosing restaurant. MacLaurin and MacLaurin (2000) did the study on theme restaurants at Singapore and found food quality as one of the most important elements. Same goes to Clark and Wood (1998), they as well found food quality as the most influential factor in restaurant c hoices. Last but not least, Jang and Namkung (2009) found that product quality is important as one attribute that determine the choices of the restaurants consumers. Even Soriano (2002) believed that this is one of the factors that can attract customers to return to the restaurant. However, apart from all those studies, Cullen (2004) added that the attributes will change depends on demographic variables, experience, mood and dining occasion. File : food quality HA6 : Food quality has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria 2.6 Different expectation for different types of restaurant Many previous researchers did not concern about type of restaurant in conducting their study while it is believed that type of restaurant has significant influence on customers perception and expectation (Kim and Moon, 2009). According to Lewis (1981), there are three types of restaurant, family, atmosphere and gourmet restaurants. Different expectation will be bring by customers depends on the restaurant. For example, cleanliness as major factor has been mentioned by Knutson (2000) who did the study in fast food restaurant among Generation Y, followed by staff friendliness, price, service speed and consistency. The researcher as well found that atmosphere, promotional items, discount coupons and drive-through availability are the minor factors that affect the decision in choosing fast food restaurant. While in the study of Kivela (1997) mentioned that for fine dining restaurants, customers wish for good food quality and friendliness of staff, but in casual dining restaurants, they preferred speed of service to be improved and value-for-money food. Noone et al (2007) have done their study and found that customers show unsatisfied when they are rushed in a fine dining restaurant rather than in casual dining restaurant. Other findings as well mentioned by Sulek Hensley (2004), according to them, food quality is a must to full-service restaurants, while the most important factor for fast-food restaurants is waiting time (David Vollmann, 1990). Kim, Lee and Yoo (2006) believed that staff performance plays very essential role in a luxury restaurant. In fact, by considering those factors, therefore this study is conducted in order to find out what factors actually play roles for Generation Y in choosing restaurant for their birthday celebration, as it has been mentioned that different expectation will be bring by customers depends on their needs and perception. But in this study, the researcher decides not to differentiate the respondents by different type of restaurant because there has no previous study conducted yet hence the researcher would like to find out in general which may lead to further details result that can be use for further study. 2.7 Dining Occasion Dining behaviour is depends on dining occasion. For instance, restaurant behaviours are lead from the occasion (Kivela, Inbakaran and Reece, 1999). According to Sweeney et al. (1992), there are two dining occasion exist which are dinner with a group of friends and dinner with a friend. While according to June and Smith (1987) four occasion do exist: a birthday celebration, a business lunch, an intimate dinner and a family dinner. Different occasion bring different level of factors. In this study, an occasion which is birthday celebration is the main concern. By the finding of the previous studies regarding level of importance brings to different occasion, thus it is obvious that different factors and value bring by consumers while they choose their restaurant for birthday celebration. 2.8 Type of restaurants consumers In previous study of Yuksel and Yuksel (2002), they divided market using psychographic segmentation. The researchers used cluster analysis in order to analyze their data and they found that there are five different category of consumers. 2.8.1 Value seekers The researchers suggest that this group put high priority food quality and hygiene while choosing a restaurant. Moreover, they usually do not take location, atmosphere and service quality as their main consideration. HB1 : Value seekers are one type of restaurant consumers 2.8.2 Service seekers In this group, there are people who looking for quality of service while dining, they does not consider food quality as their preference but the price of the food is very important for them. HB2 : Service seekers are one type of restaurant consumers 2.8.3 Adventurous-Food seekers They find that availability of various and interesting food is the most important factor for this group of people. They do not concern about the prices and atmosphere. HB3 : Adventurous-Food seekers are one type of restaurant consumers 2.8.4 Atmosphere Seekers In contrast to other groups, this group want everything while dining, not only the atmosphere but they as well concern about prices, availability of interesting food and the location of the restaurant itself. HB4 : Atmosphere seekers are one type of restaurant consumers 2.8.5 Healthy-Food seekers The researchers as well found that there are certain group of people who concern about the healthy and nutrious food while they dine in a restaurant. They take food quality and hygiene as the most important factors. It will be a plus point for them if they have smoking and non-smoking area in seperation. While they have these high expectations, they do not mind to spend more money as well. 2.9 Hypotheses and Conceptual Frameworks Based on the literature review, six hypotheses appeared as factors that influence Generation Y in choosing restaurant and four other hypotheses appeared as type of restaurant consumers. Show the conceptual framework here (ramework, factors and type of consumers) The conceptual framework provided has positive relation between the factors and Generation Y in choosing restaurant. However, during birthday celebration, different factors may be arised. Moreover, consumers are not homogeneous, different type of people are expecting different. Therefore, the conceptual gaps appeared. In depth, six hypotheses that appear as factors that influence Generation Y in choosing restaurant are: HA1 : Menu variety and choices have positive relation with restaurant selection criteria HA2 : Value for money has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria HA3 : Ambience has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria HA4 : Peers has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria HA5 : Service has a postive relation with restaurant selection criteria HA6 : Food quality has a positive relation with restaurant selection criteria These six hypotheses have direct relation to Generation Y while choosing restaurant for dining but there has been no finding for birthday celebration before, hence this study helped in answering the gap. Yuksel and Yuksel (2002) by cluster analysis classified restaurant consumers into five groups, however, in this study the researcher decided to take out a group which is Healthy food seekers as the study is for occasion dining. Therefore, the researcher to not include healthy food seekers as part of the study. The other four are: HB1 : Value seekers are one type of restaurant consumers HB2 : Service seekers are one type of restaurant consumer HB3 : Adventurous-Food seekers are one type of restaurant consumers HB4 : Atmosphere seekers are one type of restaurant consumers This study designed in order to find out the relation of each type of consumers to the factors. For instance, value seekers may do not concern about atmosphere while service seekers may do not bother about food quality. While for the behaviouristic segmentation, it came from Question 8 and 9. The researcher will further analyze the answers obtained.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Grapes of Wrath Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à The Joad family is forced to move to California because of the Oklahoma Dust Bowl, which has made it impossible for them to earn a livelihood through farming. Drought and depression has made it impossible for farmers to grow a substantial amount to live on. As inflation rises and wages drop, a gigantic worker migration heads West in search of Jobs. They have seen notices asking for workers in the western part of the United States, and travel thinking that they will find gainful employment. However there is much to learn about the United States in its economic turmoil. During the depression, thousands of people looked for work, and were cheated every step of the way. The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, is the story about a family living during the days of the depression and what they did to survive. Many families were hurt by the depression, so Steinbeck wrote of a typical family with detail that makes you understand the pain and suffering people went through in the countryââ¬â¢s darkest of times. à à à à à Tom Joad, recently released from prison for a homicide, hitchhikes back home to his fathers farm which he hasnââ¬â¢t been to in 4 years. He tells the truck driver who gives him a ride that he got in a fight with a guy at a dance and when he tried to brandish a knife, Tom hit him on the head with a shovel. The truck driver lets him off at his fatherââ¬â¢s farm but he finds it abandoned. He does meet up with an old friend Jim Casy who used to be a preacher. So Tom and Jim head down to his uncleââ¬â¢s to locate his family. A day later he finds them all about to leave for California. Tom decides to accompany his family to California although it means breaking his parole. Packed tightly into a truck, they begin their journey down Route 66, little realizing that they are part of a huge migration into an unwelcoming region of the US. The Joads encounter friends along the road, but they also wander into adversity. They meet the Wilsons, who drive along with them to Arizona, and various other Oklahoma families. à à à à à This Journey is not easy though, there is much suffering to be dealt with. Tomââ¬â¢s grandfather dies of a stroke at the beginning of the trip. And his dogs that he bought along are run over. They constantly have car problems and they face more and more disrespec... ...cannot fight against the system that enslaves them, to desperate for food and shelter to think about their situation to any great extent. Steinbeck focuses on the sacrifices made by people for their children and friends, emphasizing the simplicity of their lives while demonstrating their desire for respect and recognition. They are forced into constant migration by large land-owning companies, and it is these same companies that prevent them from rising above poverty. During the Depression, the entire country was faced with growing poverty and unemployment, and the Joads are only one of many families forced to leave their homes. We look at the depression like it was a hard time for everyone. And at such a time, we should stand together and solve our problems. Systematically, society has performed its usual segregation of scapegoats, in this case the Okies, because they were poor and couldnââ¬â¢t get jobs. The people didnââ¬â¢t realize that there was plenty of opportunity because they were to caught up in their own finances to be able to look past the barriers and start looking for solutions. The depression was a very hard time, but for families like the Joads, it was harder.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Inside Job
Where would we be today if the ââ¬Å"decision makersâ⬠would have made more acceptable decisions that affected the economy prior to the market crashing? Millions of middle-class Americans have been left jobless, and even homeless, as a result of the major corporations getting bailed out, while certain individuals were benefiting millions of dollars in bonuses. Following the Great Depression, the United States did not have a single financial crisis. However, according to Charles Ferguson, who is the director of Inside Job, the progressive deregulation of the financial sector since the 1980s gave rise to an increasingly criminal industry. In fact, many executives and leaders that were involved in this meltdown refused to answer questions, and some refused to interview for the documentary all together. The financial crisis of 2008 left many of us with many unanswered questions wondering how the most powerful nation in the world ended up with a destructed economy. The documentary Inside Job hunts down the culprits of the major financial institutions that had the biggest effect on the nationââ¬â¢s economy. The film attempts to provide a comprehensive understanding of the most important subject we have yet to face as a country; which is the worst financial crisis since the Depression, as well as holding those accountable who destroyed our financial system. Inside Job exposes the shocking truth behind the economic crisis. Throughout the film, you feel yourself cringing more and more by each interview. This documentary not once uses the word ââ¬Ëcapitalismââ¬â¢, although it is implied throughout the entire duration. The underlying message about capitalism in the movie is that it mainly benefits the elite, and that it is a corrupt world of finance. The big banks and financial institutions molded the government policies in their favor. As the economy came crashing down, the owners and leaders of financial institutions walked away from the crisis with their personal accounts untouched, and in superb condition for what the entire global economy was going to face next. Joe Boustead, of Socialist. et, states ââ¬Å"The truth is that in a capitalist mode of production anarchy rules, this in turn led to a massive crisis of overproduction, there were simply too many commodities being produced to be consumed as the individuals could either not afford them or simply had no need for them. â⬠One by one, the big banks came crashing down, and more debt was being added to what would become the worst economic crisis in history. Out of the various philosophers, Friedrich Nietzsche would be inclined to agree with the behavior of the Wall Street moguls and the politicians who were responsible for the ââ¬Å"Great Recession. Nietzsche is the philosopher of the will to power, seen as vital creation and fulfillment. He believed that humans and animals seek to live only to exert power and that each person should establish their own moral codes. As Nietzsche believed, ââ¬Å"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strengthââ¬âlife itself is will to power; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent. â⬠As evidenced in the documentary, the government and executives sought to discharge their strength by partaking in self-preserving behaviors. While Inside Job exposed the criminal culture of Wall Street, a culture of lies, trickery, and corruption for power, it also exposed the widespread abuse of cocaine and prostitutes. Jonathan Alpert, a psychological counselor for Wall Street executives and professionals in the film, tells us that these practices ââ¬Å"go right to the very top. â⬠Nietzsche valued individualism above all else. He spoke negatively of anarchists, but he believed that only certain individuals should attempt to break away from the ââ¬Å"herd. â⬠That is the main reason I believe he would agree with the behaviors shown in this film. He would be inclined to believe that only certain individuals would be intelligent enough to take advantage of certain laws implemented by government, and somehow twist them into their own benefit, which is exactly what these Wall Street moguls did. If I were to propose legislation to address the problems and issues presented in the documentary, I would use John Stuart Millââ¬â¢s philosophical view as a basis for the legislation. Mills believed in utilitarianism, which claimed that ââ¬Å"one should assess persons, actions, and institutions by how well they promote human happiness. James Mill claimed: The desire, therefore, of that power which is necessary to render the persons and properties of human beings subservient to our pleasures, is the grand governing law of human nature [Essay IV; cf. Essay V]. I would use utilitarianism as a standard of conduct. Mills believed in the common good for the greatest number. This legislation would not have allowed the senseless, selfish acts that were committed which resulted in a recession that the entire nation had to deal with. Utilitarianism would have avoided the issues that were addressed in the documentary. It would maximize happiness and reduce the suffering of millions of people. I would also implement Sartreââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"bad faithâ⬠, or better known as his existentialism philosophy. Existentialism is a concept where a human would be under pressure from society and acts authentically. These CEOs and leaders knew what they were getting not only their institutions in, but also the economy. Instead of acting authentically and making decisions that would later on benefit the greater amount of people in the world, they chose to act unconsciously. It is a fact that the recession could have been avoided. The wrong decisions were purposely implemented in order to cover certain individuals and maintain power, and of course wealth. Jean-Paul Sartre believed that one should be held responsible for his own actions, and that all individuals should act authentically. From Sartreââ¬â¢s view, we are all ââ¬Å"consciousâ⬠when we make decisions. He focused on three modes of being: being-for-itself, being-in-itself, and being-for-others. The ââ¬Å"being-for-itselfâ⬠would be better described as the being of consciousness. All of these problems that we are facing today, would not be occurring if the decision makers would have acted with consciousness, rather than cruelty, and greed. The people who purposely made calls to somehow sabotage the economy for their own interest should be held accountable, and prosecuted, just as any criminal. Inside Job does an amazing job of informing the audience of what happened behind closed doors to end up where our economy is today. It goes back in history far enough to explain where this economic downfall started, and who there is to blame. The economic crisis could have been avoided if the correct course of action were taken, but instead the middle-class ended up in a situation that was never thought of. Due to greed, this country has to work harder to clean up the mess of the power and money-hungry executives that allowed the economy to get to this state. Inside Job is an informing documentary that leaves us disgusted, but yet informed of the unethical moves people are willing to make in order to stay in power and wealthy. At the end of this documentary, we are left wondering, where would we be today if greed didnââ¬â¢t partake in peopleââ¬â¢s every move? What is next to come to America, what was once the most powerful country in the world? These moguls are roaming free enjoying their millions of dollars, rather than behind bars for leaving the nation in the worst state we have ever been in as a nation. While the less-powerful, and innocent, are figuring out where the next meal is coming from, or finding a way to get their children to college, the rich are feeding off of every dollar that was benefited and controlled. The truth always comes to light, and in this case, regardless of how hard these folks tried to hide it, the research was conducted to find out what exactly happened. Inside Job Inside Job Summary Inside Job is a documentary by Charles Ferguson, about the causes of the global financial crisis and revealed what was going on inside the U. S. financial industry during the first decade of the 21st century. The movie highlights the effects of a series of causes beginning in the Regan Administration. These causes most prominently include deregulation that allowed excessive and reckless actions in finance, fraud, and conflicts of interest. Deregulation allowed the financial sector more freedom and less discipline, which provided more opportunity for profit and risk.Reflecting the profit growth resulting from deregulation, investment banks went from small, private firms to public companies. The movie illustrates the growth of the financial sector beginning in the 1970s and continuing into the early 2000s, considering that from 1978-2008 the average salary in the United States in every profession other than investment banking rose by 25% and the average salary in inv estment banking rose by 150%. In early 2000 another method mortgage lending was developed that allowed for excessive risk and allowed for incentives to bet against the system for personal gain.The system was called the Securitization food chain and loans were mixed with other types of debt, such as car loans and credit card debt, given a rating, and investors would include these mixes in their funds depending to their rating. Since each party was removed from risk by selling the debt, lenders could extend absurd loans that were highly unlikely to be repaid, rating agencies could grade the absurd debts highly without consequence and the result was the opportunity for virtually anyone in the US to receive a home loan and purchase a home.Which sent home prices incredibly high and since the financial sector was profiting from this procedure through the Securitization Food Chain no one cared about who was holding the bag. The rest is history. The financial industry knew that the meltdown was going to occur. Records show that internally they were betting AGAINST their own offerings. The bubble bursts resulting in people losing their illusory homes and their previously tangible jobs. The financial sector lost their businesses.An incredible, sweeping wildfire of foreclosures and bankruptcies. The US government claimed that if these major financial institutions that caused the crisis were allowed to fail, the effect on the global financial system would be catastrophic. The US government said these firms were ââ¬Ëtoo big to fail' and paid out several hundred billions of taxpayer money to save these firms. The unemployment and inflation from these rescues is still accumulating today.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Importance of Environment and Context in Effective...
Any speech utterance cannot be occurred without an environment or a context, but instead each is related and deepened by the social and cultural backgrounds. That is, any speech utterance or act is culturally affected and interpreted. Thus, misunderstanding and miscommunication happen when interlocutors do not aware of the cultural variability for the utterances of each. Being familiar with the cultural variability and pragmatic rules of a certain culture and language, is significantly essential for achieving effective communication. That is, using these rules or norms does not mean necessarily that speakers obey them at all times and situations, but even if interlocutors, want to interact with each other impolitely or in a wrong way, they need to be aware of what forms a suitable behavior in order to violate it; therefore, what is seen to be polite or appropriate or not by interlocutors in a particular language and culture is highly related to their cultural variability and norms (Schauer, 2009:13). Wierzbicka (2003:67) remarks that anyone who has lived for a long period in two different countries identifies that people in different countries communicate with others in different styles- not only for using different linguistic strategies having different grammars, but because their ways of using those styles which are also different. It is difficult to distinguish between different styles of speaking between two cultures due to some of these differences are unchangeableShow MoreRelatedThe Diversity Of Multicultural Team Management1190 Words à |à 5 Pages Multicultural team management Summary: Since inevitable change of diversification is taking place in the workforce due to the globalization, therefore, understanding of culture and diversity is of great importance for manager to manage a multicultural team where people has different values, beliefs and conventions. 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